Derek Climpson BSc Hons, Lic Ac, MBAcC, MBMAS, MSTAT

Chelmsford – Monday
Brentwood – Tuesday
Leigh-on-Sea – Thursday

Derek Climpson BSc Hons, Lic Ac, MBAcC, MBMAS, MSTAT

Chelmsford – Monday
Brentwood – Tuesday
Leigh-on-Sea – Thursday

Tel. 07702 631 259

Parkinson’s Disease

’The only therapy recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Evidence (NICE) is the Alexander Technique to help day-to-day movement for people with Parkinson’s.’’

Parkinson’s UK Policy Statement

NICE Guidelines state:

“The Alexander Technique may be offered to benefit people with PD by helping them to make lifestyle adjustments to affect both the physical nature of the condition and the person’s attitude to having PD.”

See Guidance on NICE website here (Para

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurological condition. In Parkinson’s, the loss of dopamine-producing nerve cells means that parts of the brain that coordinate movement are unable to work normally, causing the symptoms of Parkinson’s to appear – tremor, rigidity and slowness of movement.

As well as affecting movement, people with Parkinson’s can find that tiredness, pain, depression and constipation can have an impact on their day-to-day lives.

The Alexander Technique is a method of improving the efficiency of our overall balance and coordination. It is a self help approach with therapeutic effects. Lessons are individual. It is used alongside normal drug treatment.

Research trials, including a Randomised Controlled Trial, were carried out in 1997, 2002 and 2005 on the effectiveness of the Alexander Technique in helping those with Parkinson’s.

Conclusion: The trials, listed below, showed that sufferers receiving Alexander Technique lessons were more likely:

  • to find everyday actions easier ( at best times of day or at worst times of day) and that benefits could be sustained
  • to feel less downhearted
  • to feel more self-confident.

The Alexander Technique was shown to

  • decrease the speed at which symptoms worsen
  • decrease the speed at which medication levels need to increase.


  1. Stallibrass C. (1997). An evaluation of the Alexander Technique for the management of disability in Parkinson’s disease – a preliminary study. Clinical Rehabilitation, 11, 8-12.
  2. Stallibrass C., Sissons P., Chalmers C. (2002). Randomized controlled trial of the Alexander Technique for idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Clinical Rehabilitation, 16, 695-708.
  1. Stallibrass C., Frank C., Wentworth K. (2005). Retention of skills learnt in Alexander Technique lessons: 28 people with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 9, 150-157.

What People Say

Parkinson’s Disease

I have been using Alexander Technique for several years, originally for low back pain, but more recently (for over 3 years ) for the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. After a session I feel overall more flexible, relaxed and upright, more balanced and less subject to tremors and tension. In between sessions I use ongoing Alexander Technique self-help methods to improve my daily well-being. I think it is a beneficial activity for Parkinson’s sufferers like myself.


I can confirm that it (Alexander Technique) is a real help in easing the symptoms of muscular tension, distorted posture and shuffling gait of Parkinson’s disease and also improves the characteristic low mood.


12 months after my diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease, I decided to try the Alexander Technique (AT) because I had a problem with standing , walking and moving generally.

With the AT I have found that I am moving better, my posture has improved and this has been remarked upon by many people including my Parkinson’s nurse and friends who haven’t seen me for months.’
